Release date
24 January 2024
By Ekaterina Demina, Compliance Officer Eurofast Cyprus
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The Impact of EU Regulations on Funds Administration in Cyprus

The Impact of EU Regulations on Funds Administration in Cyprus

As a member of the European Union (EU) since May 2004, Cyprus is bound to adhere to the regulatory frameworks set forth by the EU, encompassing critical areas such as Anti-Money Laundering (AML). This commitment to regulatory compliance aligns with the broader efforts initiated by the EU in response to the global finacial crisis where vulnerabilities in specific fund activities prompted the enactment of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) on June 8, 2011.

Reasons Behind Cyprus' Investment Fund Attractiveness

Within the expansive landscape of EU membership, Cyprus distinguishes itself as an appealing destination for establishing credible investment funds. The attractiveness originates from Cyprus' proactive commitment to adhere to EU directives. The integration of the AIFMD into Cyprus law, complemented by supplementary circulars from the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) and the Level II Regulation applicable across EU states, enhances the regulatory framework governing alternative investment funds. An analytical perspective underscores Cyprus as a jurisdiction not only committed to adhering to regulations but actively engaged in fortifying its regulatory infrastructure.

AIFMD’s Goals

The primary objective of the AIFMD is to regulate and safeguard investors, contributing to the overall stability of the EU economy by addressing risks associated with previously unregulated financial products. In fulfillment of its EU membership obligations, Cyprus incorporated the AIFMD into its legislative framework through the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Law in 2013. This legislative measure is specifically designed to regulate and protect investors and the EU economy from the inherent risks associated with AIFs.

The AIFMD places substantial obligations on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs) to effectively manage risks and ensure transparency in the activities of the AIFs they oversee. This dual commitment to regulatory compliance and investor protection underscores Cyprus's dedication to aligning with EU directives and fostering a secure financial environment within the region.

Future Trajectory of Cyprus Funds

Anticipating a transformative impact, Cyprus is on the verge of a notable change in its fund administration practices due to the AIFMD. Presently, fund administration tasks are embedded within the responsibilities of fund managers without specific regulations. Recognizing this gap, CYSEC is spearheading the development of a new fund administration law. This forthcoming legislation is poised to introduce stringent licensing requirements, minimum capital standards, and governance rules. Existing providers must seek authorization, with exemptions applicable to fund managers and some regulated entities, thereby enhancing transparency and investor protection.

The key facets of the proposed law encompass the prohibition of current entities as fund administrators, a two-year compliance period, a mandate for two executive directors, separation of chairman and CEO roles, the requirement for an Internal Operations Manual, submission of an operational memorandum to CySEC, inclusion of specific provisions in administration agreements, advanced software usage, and a minimum capital requirement of EUR 50,000. Additionally, the law mandates professional indemnity insurance and annual reporting.


To bring it all together, Cyprus is strategically positioning itself for sustained growth in its fund industry through proactive adaptation to evolving global regulations. The impending introduction of the fund administration law marks a noteworthy advancement toward enhanced transparency and heightened investor confidence within the sector. By diligently embracing the regulatory changes inspired by the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive, Cyprus is not merely responding to compliance obligations but is actively shaping its financial landscape.

While this transformation holds the promise of elevating Cyprus as a leading fund domicile in Europe, it also poses challenges, particularly for smaller offices. The new requirements for offering fund administration services may necessitate significant adjustments, potentially leading to the closure or consolidation of smaller entities. This underscores the dynamic landscape of the financial industry, where adaptability and compliance with evolving regulatory frameworks are essential for long-term sustainability.

In essence, Cyprus is navigating the intricate balance between compliance and innovation, leveraging its EU membership and commitment to regulatory excellence to foster an environment conducive to credible and secure investment funds.

The forthcoming fund administration law underscores the dynamic nature of the financial industry, emphasizing adaptability and compliance for shaping a secure financial landscape within the European Union.

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